We are sawelo
A start-up from Munich (Germany), founded in 2016 by two seemingly opposite but actually complementary and connected personalities who inspire each other when they work together on a great cause.
Our Vision & Mission
We want people to feel special thanks to our thoughtfully created, high-quality products.
We want to be a strong driving force for care. Caring means warmth. Caring means a commitment to loved ones. Caring means caring for others. Caring means extending a hand to someone. Caring means paying attention to details. Caring means helping. Caring means a sense of duty. Caring means loving. saewelo stands for care
What does "saewelo" mean?
The term "saewelo" comes from Proto-Germanic and means "Sun". The sun provides light and enables life. It gives us the energy we need to overcome challenges every single day. We at "saewelo" are convinced that there is a sun in each of us and that everyone can be a sun to others.
Our promise of quality
Gift with pride.
Our goal is a product that surprises. In a positive sense, with all its features: first-class material, high-quality workmanship, and convincing functionality. A product that you are proud to present to a loved one or your inner child.
If you feel anything less than that, we will happily support you with a full refund or saewelo exchange guarantee.
We stand by our promise of quality because only the best is good enough for those we love.
We grow so that one day we can give something back.
We believe in the importance of giving back. We only truly live when we grow. But what is the end goal of all this growth? We grow so that we can give something back at some point. Whether we give back to our loved ones, community, or society, we will only find true fulfillment when we look beyond our needs.
We are all connected, and our actions can positively impact others. By giving back, we help those in need and feel a sense of purpose, connection, and joy. The best thing is that you don't have to be very successful to contribute - every small contribution in any form counts.
The key is to find ways to give back that align with our values, strengths, and passions. Our hearts beat for animals, especially cats in need. We get involved directly on-site with our hands and remotely with donations and advice